Prof.dr.C.I.M.Beenakker from TU Delft in Netherlands addresses an academic talks.
Prof.dr.Beenakker gives an academic talk on the challenges on micro-systems and nanoelectronics. Beenakker's presentation is wonderful and the addressed subject is hot and extremely interesting to students. After his presentation, prof.Beenakker continued to discuss the potential cooperations with our lab.
Kees Beenakker was born in Leiden in 1948. In 1971 he got his M. Sc.in chemistry and physics at Leiden University and joined as an Ph. D. student the FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics in Amsterdam. After graduation in 1974 he joined Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. There he was involved in various research projects related to IC technology. In 1982 he moved to the Philips Semiconductor Division in Nijmegen to become head of the corporate assembly process and equipment development. In that position first intensive contacts were established with the microelectronics industry in the Far East. In 1987 he resigned at Philips and became cofounder of Eurasem, a European hi-rel IC assembly company. In 1989 Kees Beenakker joined Dimes and is since 1990 full professor at the faculty of EEMCS (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science). From 1990 till 2004 he was chairman of the ECTM laboratory. From 1999 till 2009 he was chairman of the department of Microelectronics and Computer Engineering and from March 2007 till May 2012 he was scientific director of DIMES, the Delft institute of microsystems and nanoelectronics. Since May 2012 he is director of the TU Delft-Beijing Research Centre in Beijing and is alternately located in Delft and in Beijing. Kees Beenakker is a member of the national Medea advisory committee, member of the scientific board of the Debije Institute, the ENIAC scientific council and board member of the Advanced Packaging Centre at Boschman Technologies. He is a founder of the Else Kooi Foundation, the SAFE conference, the Tsing Hua-TU Delft training centre of microelectronics technology in Beijing and the Fudan-TU Delft International school of microelectronics in Shanghai. Since March 2006 he holds a honorary guest professorship at the Tsinghua University in Beijing and since 2012 also from the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Since June 2008 he is elected chaiman of the academic council of Point-One, the national initiative on nanoelectronics and embedded systems. His specific research interests include technology for thin films and integrated circuits.
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