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发布时间:2020-07-21        浏览次数:8803

 姓名: 尹学锋










 尹学锋,男,1973年3月生,工学博士,教授,博士生导师, 同济大学电信学院副院长。1995年毕业于华中科技大学光电子工程系, 1996-2000年在杭州摩托罗拉移动系统公司任系统工程师,2002年于丹麦奥尔堡(Aalborg)大学通信系获数字通信专业工学硕士学位,2006年于丹麦奥尔堡大学通信系获无线通信专业工学博士学位,同年进入丹麦奥尔堡大学电子系统学院任助理教授,2008年进入同济大学电子与信息工程学院,2010年任电子科学与技术系副系主任,2016年3月任电信学院副院长。研究兴趣包括电波传播信道特征研究、高精度参数估计、雷达与无线感知、基于人工智能的特征学习与识别。

 自2002年来尹学锋教授专注无线电波传播信道特征研究,在宽带信道测量、高精度参数估计、参数化统计模型构建等方面取得了具有国际影响力的科研成果,奠定了其在相关领域中的学术地位。其创新成果主要包括:1)作为空间迭代期望最大化(SAGE)算法联合创始人,对该算法在信道特征提取中的应用进行了重要的拓展,独立创建了信道功率谱估计算法、多维度(方向-时延-多普勒-极化)信道参数联合估计算法、动态信道分子滤波多径提取算法、欠采样滑动相关信道参数提取算法等;2)首创被动测量技术,利用UMTS、LTE等商用网络,在高铁、地铁、城区中进行大范围信道特征采集,通过多径提取建立了重要的宽带统计信道模型;3)针对5G信道空间扫描测量方案,提出高精度信道参数萃取、检簇理论与算法,得到学术和工业界广泛认可;4)在长期信道研究中构建了一系列统计模型,其中多链路、15GHz信道模型已成为ITU国际标准。迄今发表了近百篇与信道特征相关的论文,出版了英文著作《Propagation Channel Characterization, Parameter Estimation, and Modeling for Wireless Communications》,由John Wiley&Sons, IEEE出版社于2016年发行,已授权的PCT国际专利8项,中国专利2项。




 自2011年至今,尹学锋作为负责人共承担了28个科研项目,其中包括国家项目2项,分别是2015-2019的国家自然基金面上项目-“第五代移动通信系统传播信道测量、特征提取与建模方法研究”, 2016-2017的国家科技重大专项二级课题,“5G Ka波段和高低频段协同试验系统研发”,主持省部级项目3项,主持科技部港澳台合作专项子课题1项(北大牵头),北交大国家重点实验室开放基金项目1项,主持国际合作项目7项,合作方为韩国国立电子与电信研究所,英国东芝研发中心;主持横向企业研发项目13项,其中包含华为公司资助项目12项。近年来尹学锋主持了如下的科研项目: 

 1, 2015-2018:国家自然科学基金面上项目(61471268):第五代移动通信系统传播信道测量、特征提取与建模方法研究







 8,2016-2017:国家科技重大专项二级课题:5G Ka波段和高低频段协同试验系统研发,

 9,2016-2017:北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室开放课题:轨道交通场景中高频大规模(Massive) MIMO信道实测特征分析与模型构建


 11,2015-2016: 同济大学-韩国电子与电信研究所(ETRI)科研合作项目: 毫米波无线信道参数估计与分簇算法优化研究

 12,2015-2016:同济大学-上海无线通信研究中心合作研发项目:多场景下的信道测试数据后处理分析与3D MIMO无线信道建模委托开发

 13,2013-2015: 上海市科委国际合作项目:基于4G协同技术实现热点城区高效无线通信-网络设计与演示系统构建

 14,2013-2014: 同济大学-韩国电子与电信研究所(ETRI)科研合作项目: The study of high precision algorithm and measurement methods for millimeter-wave channel characterization



 17,2011-2012:同济大学-韩国电子与电信研究所(ETRI)科研合作项目:Multi-link Propagation Channel Modeling using both Simulation-based Approaches and Real Measurements

 18,2010-2011:同济大学-韩国电子与电信研究所(ETRI)科研合作项目: Parametric characterization and estimation of distributed MIMO propagation channels

 19,2010-2012: 同济大学-华为技术有限公司合作研发项目:高速铁路信道建模/CoMP和Relay信道建模以及微波信道建模

 20,2010-2012:上海市科委自然科学基金10ZR1432700: 宽带无线传播信道的多维功率谱特征提取及模型构建

 21, 2010-2012: 教育部新教师基金项目20090072120015:时变无线传播信道的特征分析、参数估计和模型构建





 [1] Yin, X. * ; Ji, Y. & Yan, H. Measurement-based Characterization of 15 GHz Propagation Channels in a Laboratory Environment IEEE Access, 2017, 4, 1-11

 [2] Yin, X. * ; Wang, S.; Zhang, N. & Ai, B. Scatterer Localization using Large-scale Antenna Arrays based on A Spherical Wavefront Parametric Model, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Accepted.

 [3] Y. Ji, X. Yin* , H. Wang, S. X. Lu and C. Cao, Antenna De-Embedded Characterization for 13–17-GHz Wave Propagation in Indoor Environments, in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, no. , pp. 42-45, 2017.

 [4] J. Chen, X. Yin* , L. Tian and M. D. Kim, Millimeter-Wave Channel Modeling Based on A Unified Propagation Graph Theory, in IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 246-249, Feb. 2017.

 [5] J. Chen, X. Yin*, X. Cai and S. Wang, Measurement-Based Massive MIMO Channel Modeling for Outdoor LoS and NLoS Environments, in IEEE Access, vol. 5, no. , pp. 2126-2140, 2017.

 [6] X. Ye; X. Yin*; X. Cai; A. Perez Yuste; H. Xu, Neural-network-assisted UE Localization Using Radio-channel Fingerprints in LTE Networks, in IEEE Access , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1

 [7] Y. He; X. Yin*; H. Chen, Spatiotemporal Characterization of Self-interference Channels for 60-GHz Full-duplex Communication, in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1

 [8] S. Wang, Y. Ji, D. Gibbins and X. Yin, Impact of Dynamic Wideband MIMO Body Channel Characteristics on Healthcare Rehabilitation of Walking, in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, no. , pp. 505-508, 2017.


 [1] Yin, X. * ; Ouyang, L. & Wang, H. Performance Comparison of SAGE and MUSIC for Channel Estimation in Direction-Scan Measurements, IEEE Access, 2016, 4, 1163-1174

 [2] Yin, X. * ; Ling, C. & Kim, M. Experimental Multipath-Cluster Characteristics of 28-GHz Propagation Channel, IEEE Access, 2016, 3, 3138-3150

 [3] Yin, X. *; Meng Tian; Luxia Ouyang; Xiang Cheng; Xuesong Cai; Li Tian; Jiajing Chen; Pinlu Yang, Modeling City-Canyon Pedestrian Radio Channels Based on Passive Sounding in In-Service Networks, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 7931-7943, Oct. 2016.

 [4] Cai, X.; Yin, X. * ; Cheng, X. & Yuste, A. P.   An Empirical Random-Cluster Model for Subway Channels Based on Passive Measurements in UMTS, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2016, 64, 3563-3575,

 [5] Tian, L.; Degli-Esposti, V.; Vitucci, E. M. & Yin, X. *   Semi-Deterministic Radio Channel Modeling Based on Graph Theory and Ray-Tracing, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,2016,64,2475-2486

 [6] Chen, J.; Wang, S. & Yin, X. *      A Spherical-Wavefront-Based Scatterer Localization Algorithm Using Large-Scale Antenna Arrays, IEEE Communications Letters,2016,20, 1796-1799

 [7] Wang, S. *; Ji, Y.; Gibbins, D. & Yin, X. Impact of dynamic wideband MIMO body channel characteristics on healthcare rehabilitation of walking IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016, PP, 1-4



 [1] Yin, X. * ; He, Y.; Ling, C.; Tian, L. & Cheng, X. Empirical Stochastic Modeling of Multipath Polarizations in Indoor Propagation Scenarios Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, 2015, 63, 5799-5811

 [2] Yin, X.; Cai, X.; Cheng, X. *; Chen, J. & Tian, M. Empirical Geometry-Based Random-Cluster Model for High-Speed-Train Channels in UMTS Networks Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2015, PP, 1-12

 [3] Yin, X. *; Ling, C.; Kim, M.-D. & Chung, H. Parameter estimation using the sliding-correlator's output for wideband propagation channels EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015, 2015, 165

 [4] Ling, C.; Yin, X. *; Boque, S. R. & Garcia-Lozano, M. Power minimization of cooperative beamforming networks with spectrum sharing, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015,72,1-15

 [5] Ling, C.; Yin, X. *; He, Y. & Boque, S. R.      Attitude Estimation for In-Service Base Station Antenna Using Downlink Channel Fading Statistics,  International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015, no. 898631

 [6] Zheng, X.; Liu, E. *; Zhang, Z.; Qu, X.; Wang, R.; Yin, X. & Liu, F. An Efficient Pilot Scheme in Large-Scale Two-Way Relay Systems Communications Letters, IEEE, 2015, 19, 1061-1064

 [7] Cheng, X. *; Li, Y.; Ai, B.; Yin, X. & Wang, Q. Device-to-device channel measurements and models: a survey Communications, IET, 2015, 9, 312-325



 [1] Chen, J.; Yin, X. *; Tian, L.; Zhang, N.; He, Y.; Cheng, X.; Duan, W. & Boque, S. R.  Measurement-Based LoS/NLoS Channel Modeling for Hot-Spot Urban Scenarios in UMTS Networks, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014,no.  454976, 1-12



 [1] Tian, L.; Yin, X. *; Zhou, X. & Zuo, Q.   Spatial cross-correlation modeling for propagation channels in indoor distributed antenna systems, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2013, 183,1-11

 [2] Zheng, K. *; Yin, X.; Chatzimisios, P. & Xin, Y. Advances in Massive MIMO Antenna Design, Channel Modeling, and System Technologies International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2014, Article ID 160431

 [3] Wen, M.; Cheng, X. *; Yin, X.; Yang, L. & Jiao, B. A General Framework for BER Analysis of OFDMA and Zero-Forcing Interleaved SC-FDMA over Nakagami-m Fading Channels with Arbitrary m Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE, 2013, 2, 395-398

 [3] Wang, Y.; Liu, E. *; Jian, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zheng, X.; Wang, R.; Liu, F. & Yin, X. NLL: A Complex Network Model with Compensation for Enhanced Connectivity IEEE Communications Letters, 2013



 [1] Park, J.-J. *; Kim, M.-D.; Kwon, H.-K.; Chung, H. K.; Yin, X. & Fu, Y. Measurement-Based Stochastic Cross-Correlation Models of a Multilink Channel in Cooperative Communication Environments ETRI Journal, 2012, 34, 858-868


Before 2012

 [1] Pedersen, T. *; Pedersen, C.; Yin, X. & Fleury, B. Optimization of Spatiotemporal Apertures in Channel Sounding Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 2008, 56, 4810 -4824

 [2] Czink, N. *; Yin, X.; Ozcelik, H.; Herdin, M.; Bonek, E. & Fleury, B. Cluster Characteristics in a MIMO Indoor Propagation Environment Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on, 2007, 6, 1465-1475




 [1] L. Zeng, X. Cheng, C. X. Wang and X. Yin, A 3D Geometry-Based Stochastic Channel Model for UAV-MIMO Channels, 2017 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), San Francisco, CA, 2017, pp. 1-5.

 [2] Xuesong Cai; Ana Gonzalez-Plaza; David Alonso; Lei Zhang; Cesar Briso Rodríguez; Antonio Pérez Yuste; Xuefeng Yin  Low altitude UAV propagation channel modelling, 2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Paris, 2017, pp. 1443-1447.



 [1] C. Ling, X. Yin, H. Wang and X. Zhang, Comparison of characteristics of 13–17 GHz propagation channels in indoor environments with different measurement configurations, 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, 2016, pp. 1-5.

 [2] J. Chen, X. Yin and S. Wang, Measurement-based massive MIMO channel modeling in 13–17 GHz for indoor hall scenarios, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, 2016, pp. 1-5.

 [3] Z. Zhong, X. Wu, J. Qu and X. Yin, MIMO Channel Measurement and Characterization for 26GHz Wave in Outdoor Scenarios, 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Nanjing, 2016, pp. 1-5.

 [4] Xuesong Cai, Xuefeng Yin and A. P. Yuste, Direction-of-arrival estimation using single antenna in high-speed-train environments, 2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, 2016, pp. 1-4.

 [5] L. Ouyang and X. Yin, A SAGE algorithm for channel estimation using signal eigenvectors for direction-scan sounding, 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, 2016, pp. 1-6.

 [6] X. Ye, X. Cai, Y. Shen, X. Yin and X. Cheng, A geometry-based path loss model for high-speed-train environments in LTE-A networks, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, HI, 2016, pp. 1-6.

 [7] X. Ye, X. Cai, H. Wang and X. Yin, Tunnel and Non-Tunnel Channel Characterization for High-Speed-Train Scenarios in LTE-A Networks, 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Nanjing, 2016, pp. 1-5.



 [1] Cai, X.; Yin, X. *; He, Y.; Duan, W. & Ruiz Boque, S. Measurement-based stochastic models for channel transition in underground subway environments Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2015 9th European Conference on, 2015, 1-5



 [1] Yin, X. *; He, Y.; Song, Z.; Kim, M.-D. & Chung, H. K. A Sliding-Correlator-based SAGE Algorithm for Mm-wave Wideband Channel Parameter Estimation Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Antenna and Propagation, 2014, 1, 708-713

 [2] Ling, C.; Yin, X. *; He, Y. & Boque, S. R. Antenna Attitude Estimation for In-Service Base Stations Based on Channel Fading Statistics Proceedings of European Conference on Antenna and Propagation, 2014, 2487-2491

 [3] Zhang, N.; Yin, X. *; Lu, S. X.; Du, M. & Cai, X. Measurement-based Angular Characterization for 72 GHz Propagation Channels in Indoor Environments Proceedings of Globecom 2014 Workshop - Mobile Communications in Higher Frequency Bands, 2014

 [4] Tian, L.; Yin, X. *; Zhou, J.; Kim, M. & Chung, H. Joint Likelihood Aggregation of Multiple Cluster Validity Indices for Stochastic Channel Modeling IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2014, 52-57

 [5] Ling, C.; He, Y.; Yin, X. *; Zhong, Z.; Duan, W. & Ruiz Boque, S. Attitude estimation for base station antennas based on downlink channel statistics Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2014 8th European Conference on, 2014, 2072-2076

 [6] Ling, C.; Yin, X. *; Ruiz Boque, S. & Garcia-Lozanoe, M. Optimal power allocation and relay selection in spectrum sharing cooperative networks General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), 2014 XXXIth URSI, 2014, 1-4



 [1] Yin, X. *; He, Y.; Ling, C.; Tian, L. & Zhong, Z. A preliminary study on anisotropic characteristics of propagation channels for Tx-Rx polarizations Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2013 IEEE, 2013, 3455-3459

 [2] Yin, X. *; Zhang, N.; Zhong, Z.; Yu, J.; Tian, L.; Zhang, X. & Duan, W. System-Level Channel Modeling Based on Active Measurements from a Public 3G/UMTS Network Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2013 IEEE 78th, 2013, 1-5

 [3] Yin, X. *; Chen, J.; Tian, M.; Zhang, N.; Zhong, Z. & Lu, S. X. Personal authentication using the fingerprints of intra-body radio propagation channels International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, ISMICT, 2013, 159-163

 [4] Zhang, W.; Yin, X. *; He, Y.; Yu, J.; Zhang, N.; Zhong, Z.; Duan, W.; Zhang, X. & Olmos Bonafe, J. Dual-polarized channel characterization based on measurements in in-service UMTS networks Wireless Communications Signal Processing (WCSP), 2013 International Conference on, 2013, 1-6

 [5] Yu, J.; Yin, X. *; Chen, J.; Zhang, N.; Zhong, Z.; Duan, W. & Ruiz Boque, S. Channel maps and stochastic models in elevation based on measurements in operating networks Wireless Communications Signal Processing (WCSP), 2013 International Conference on, 2013, 1-6



 Yin, X. & Cheng, X. Propagation Channel Characterization, Parameter Estimation, and Modeling for Wireless Communications John Wiley & Sons, IEEE, 20万字,2016



 [1].   刘富强,尹学锋,周毅,田力,基于虚拟天线阵列的高精度无线信道测试平台及方法,2012.5,中国,200910056427

 [2].    章锦如, 刘嘉明, 尹学锋,基于电磁感应信息交互技术的非触摸式指端方位识别方法, 发明专利号:201310077077.4,中国

 [3].    田梦,陈佳静,尹学锋,一种人体身份识别的方法和系统,发明专利号:201310068016.1,中国

 [4].   尹学锋,Directional Adjustment of Voltage-Controlled Phased Array Structures. 2011.12, 国际,CN103004019A, US20110316745

 [5].   尹学锋,Handoff of a mobile device moving at a high relative velocity to base stations for a wireless network, 2013.3,国际, US20130064220,WO2012171194A1

 [6].   尹学锋,User-Focusing Technique for Wireless Communication Systems, 2013.5, 国际,US20130107733,WO2013013407A1

 [7].   尹学锋,Using Out-Band Information to Improve Wireless Communications, 2013.1, 国际,CN103430604A, US20130005285, WO2012113132A1


 2006年至今   IEEE communication society, 会员

 2015年至今   中国研究型医院学会 移动医疗专业委员会委员

 2016年至今   中国通信学会 信息测试技术委员会委员

 2015年至今   中国教育部 学位中心通讯评议专家

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