Name:QIU Lei
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》 Research Fields
1. High Speed and Ultra High Speed ADCs Related Topics.
(Including time-interleaving and frequency-interleaving architecture)
2. High Precision ADCs Related Topics.
3. Low Power and Compact Temperature Sensors and Interface Circuits.
4. Low Power Baseband Processing/ Signal Chain.
》 Courses
1. Undergraduate: Analog IC Analysis and Design.
2. Graduate: Advanced IC Design
》 Projects
》 Publications
Journal Paper
1. Q. Lei, Supeng Liu, Zhongyuan Fang, Yuanjin Zheng, “An Adaptive Beamforming Technique for UWB Impulse Transceiver,” IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (TCASII), Accepted, 2018.
2. Q. Lei, K. P. Wang, T. Kai, Y. Zhu, L. Siek, Y. Zheng, S. U, “A 16mW 1GS/s With 49.6dB SNDR TI-SAR ADC for Software Defined Radio in 65nm CMOS,” IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), vol. 26, issue 3,pp. 572-583, 2018.
3. Q. Lei, K. P. Wang, T. Kai, L. Siek, Y. Zheng, “A 10-bit 300 MS/s 5.8 mW SAR ADC With Two-Stage Interpolation for PET Imaging,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, issue 5,pp. 2006-2014, 2018.
4. Q. Lei, S. P. Liu, Y, Zhang, Y. Zhu, Y. Zheng, S. U, “A 0.9–2.6 GHz Cognitive Radio Receiver With Spread Spectrum Frequency Synthesizer for Spectrum Sensing,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, issue 22,pp. 7569-7577, 2017.
5. Lei Qiu, Kai Tang, Yuanjin Zheng and Liter Siek, A Flexible-Weighted Nonbinary Searching Technique for High-Speed SAR-ADCs,” IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), vol. 24, issue 8, pp. 4385-4399, 2016.
6. Lei Qiu, Kai Tang, Yuanjin Zheng and Liter Siek, A High-Speed 2b/cycle SAR ADC With Time Domain Quantization,” IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), 2016, Accepted.
7. DaiGuo Xu, Lei Qiu*, Zhengping Zhang, Tao Liu, Lu Liu, Siliu Xu, A Linearity-Improved 8-bit 320 MS/s SAR ADC with Meta-Stability Immunity Technique,” IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI), Accepted, 2018.
8. K. Wang, L. Qiu, J. Koo, R. Ruby and B. Otis, Design of 1.8-mW PLL-Free 2.4-GHz Receiver Utilizing Temperature-Compensated FBAR Resonator, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 53, issue 6, pp,1628-1639, 2018.
9. Y Wang, L Lou, B Chen, Y Zhang, K Tang, Lei Qiu, S Liu, Y Zheng, A 260-mW Ku-Band FMCW Transceiver for Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor With 1.48-GHz Bandwidth in 65-nm CMOS Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 65, issue 11, pp. 2808-2812, 2017.
10. Q. Lei, Y. Zheng, S. Liter, Design of frequency interleaving ADC with mismatch compensation,” Electronics Letters, vol. 50, issue. 9, pp. 659-661, 2014.
11. Q. Lei, Y. Zheng, S. Liter, A source follower based high-speed switched capacitor amplifier for pipelined ADCs,” Electronics Letters, vol. 51, issue 1, pp. 21-23, 2015.
12. Q. Lei, Kai Tang, Y. Zheng, S. Liter, A Meta-stability Immunity Technique for High Speed SAR ADCs,” Electronics Letters, vol. 53, issue 5, pp. 300-302, 2017.
13. Keping Wang, Lei Qiu*, Wang zhigong, 69-78GHz ESD-protected SiGe BiCMOS power amplifier with 30dB automatic level control for mm-wave 5G applications,” Electronics Letters, Accepted, 2018.
14. Lei Qiu, Yuanjin Zheng, Siek Liter, Multichannel Time Skew Calibration for Time-Interleaved ADCs Using Clock Signal,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol 35, issue 8, pp. 2669-2682, 2016.
15. Lei Qiu, Yuanjin Zheng, Siek Liter, A Filter Bank Mismatch Calibration Technique for Frequency-Interleaved ADCs,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol 35, issue 11, pp. 3847-3862, 2016.
Conference Paper
1. Q. Lei, T. Kai, Y. Zhu, L. Siek, Y. Zheng, S. U, “A 10-bit 1GS/s 4-Way TI SAR ADC with Tapinterpolated FIR Filter based Time Skew Calibration,” IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuit Conference (ASSCC), 2016, pp. 77-80.
2. Y. Wang, K. Tang, Y. Zhang, L. Lou, B. Chen, S. Liu, Lei Qiu, Y. Zheng, “A Ku-band 260mW FMCW SAR TRX with 1.48GHz BW in 65nm CMOS for Micro-UAVs,” IEEE ISSCC, pp. 240-241, Jan. 2016.
3. Q. Lei, Kai Tang, Y. Zheng, S. Liter, A Digital Time Skew Calibration Technique for Time-Interleaved ADCs,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Circuits and System (ISCAS), 2015, pp. 2297-2300.
4. Q. Lei, Y. Zheng, D. Zhu, S. Liter, A Statistic Based Time Skew Calibration Method for Time-Interleaved ADCs,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Circuits and System (ISCAS), 2014, pp. 2373–2376.
5. Q. Lei, Y. Zheng, S. Liter, Analysis and Design of High Performance Frequency-Interleaved ADC,” in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Circuits and System (ISCAS), 2013, pp. 2022- 2025.
6. Y Wang, L Lou, B Chen, K Tang, Y Zhang, Lei Qiu, S Liu, Y Zheng, “Live demonstration: A Ku-band FMCW synthetic aperture radar transceiver for micro-UAVs”, in Proc. IEEE International Symp. Circuits and System (ISCAS), 2016, pp. 2378- 2378..
Copyright © 2023 Department of Electronic Science & Technology TongJi University